On the whale watching tour, whenever the boat would move it left these areas of just bubbles and white water. It was actually pretty gross the amount of exhaust and smoke it let out.
Katie is a lifeguard at the beach in Ocean Grove. If you look closely you can actually see her on the lifeguard bench. I loved how colourful all the umbrellas were.
The cabin we stayed at this weekend. It was in the middle of nowhere, has no electricity, and isn't accessible by car. We still all had an amazing time.
They have this emblem of the Eiffel Tower outside the Louis Vuitton store on 5th Ave. I thought it looked kind of funny in the midst of such city buildings.
So before taking a midnight bus to Boston, my friend Ian and I walked around Times Square. I discovered the NY temperature is much more enjoyable in the evening. I developed this with a direct positive.
I saw these two tomatoes sitting on the windowsill while eating breakfast this morning. I did a lot of different developing techniques, giving it a kind of fairytale look.