Thursday, December 31, 2009

Japanese Garden Tree

August 2007
My family and I took a road trip from Lake Tahoe and then down the Oregon coast. It was absolutely beautiful. One day we stopped at a Japanese zen garden. It was so incredibly peaceful and calm. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Versailles Staircase

June 2007
While staying with a family in France we visited Versailles Palace. It was gorgeous. I could hardly believe the extravagance of it all and can see why those French peasants rebelled. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New York

April 2008
On a college trip, yet again, we visited the office of a good family friend. I just loved the view from the office, especially at sunset. I didn't mean for the photo to be blurry or catch reflections in the window, but I kind of like it. 

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Tree

December 2009
Our Christmas tree in Tahoe. I love how we put up the same ornaments with the same red bows every year. 
When I push the sheets away from your face and watch you sleep all day here.
And when I push you away and say you simply can not stay here.
Its all love, all love, it's all of my stupid love.
When I say you take away the most important parts of me with you and when I've had the greyest day, you add more grey, that's just your way, it's true.
It's all love, all love. oh. It's all love, all love. oh. It's all love, all love. oh
It's all of my stupid love.
You can't be the one to kill the pain anymore.
You let me in but then you slam my fingers in the door.
I've had enough but I keep asking you to give me more.
When I say that there's no way.
It's all love, all love. oh.
It's all of my stupid love.
-Ingrid Michaelson, All Love 

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bahama Boat

June 2007
The boats in Spanish Cay marina at sunset. At dusk sharks would roam under the docks looking for food and lovely 'chum' (which is mushed up fish guts and other various parts).

Lake Tahoe on Christmas Day

December 2009
My family and I made our annual walk to 'view rock' on Christmas day. From it you can see Lake Tahoe in all of it's beauty. I personally think it is one of the prettiest places on earth. 

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Tahoe Christmas

December 2009
This morning I caught this photo of my brother investigating one of his new guitar toys. Nothing is better than Christmas in Tahoe. A big family plus lots of presents results in a covered table.  

Thursday, December 24, 2009


November 2009
Eliza and I were wandering around New York and decided to go look in Macy's. I just love the Christmas decorations. At least department stores get as excited about Christmas as I do. Best holiday ever. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chateau Menthon Saint-Bernard

May 2009
While in France my roommate and I walked up to this castle one Saturday. In the old days, the castle used to be a refuge for mountain travelers and St. Bernard rescue dogs. Apparently Walt Disney visited the area and was inspired by this castle for the Sleeping Beauty one. I can see why; on the walk up there I completely felt like I was in a fairy tale because it was so gorgeous. 

Pink Clouds

March 2008
Some more clouds on the way back from college trips. The photo has been photoshopped but I like the whimsical feel it adds. 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Shirley Temple

May 2006
We were in Mexico when I took this photo of my sister India. I love how all the colours work together; the cherry red of the shirley temples, my sister's red hair, and her pink cardigan. 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chatsworth House

July 2009
Dream house? Yes.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Breathe, breathe in the air,
Don't be afraid to care, 
Leave but don't leave.
Look around and choose your own ground,
Long you live and high you fly,
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry,
And all you touch and all you see,
Is all your life will ever be.
-Pink Floyd

Bahamian Straw

June 2008
I believe this to be the straw hanging down from an umbrella in the Bahamas, but I could be wrong. 

Friday, December 18, 2009

Boston Arch

November 2009
On yet another day of adventuring around the city, Eliza and I walked to the harbor. There a man was playing and singing on his guitar, and this really pretty arch was right by it. I love the sun glare in this picture, something you could only really get through using a disposable camera. 
I thank whatever gods may be 
For my unconquerable soul.
I am the master of my fate 
I am the captain of my soul.
-William Ernest Henley

Thursday, December 17, 2009


January 2009
I yet again was testing out the macro setting on Baldwin Beach's snow. The levels in this photo have been altered a lot. I feel that this gives such a different perspective to snow. You expect it to be soft and powdery, but up close it's not at all. I read in National Geographic once that every snowflake is different. Apparently it all depends on the temperature it forms at. I just find it incredible that every single snowflake is different. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Plaza

November 2009
While wandering around New York, Eliza and I decided to pop into the Plaza Hotel. We actually just used the bathroom and looked at the Christmas tree, but it was fun! Speaking of fun, fun fact: the Sex and the City bus tour of NYC leaves from the fountain in front of the Plaza (not that I've done that...). I feel like black-and-white photos of New York could really be from any era. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

House in the Alps

June 2009
While hiking in the Alps, I saw this cute little house among the surrounding mountains. I would love to take a summer just to live there and do nothing but look at the hills, hike and eat cheese. 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pink Flowers

June 2009
Some more gorgeous flowers at the Oxford Botanical Gardens. They remind me of the flowers that come alive in the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Walking Underwater

May 2008
Imogen at our underwater photoshoot. 

"I'm not sorry I met you, I'm not sorry it's over, I'm not sorry there's nothing else to say."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eiffel Tower

June 2006
Another photo of the Eiffel Tower taken during a night in Paris. It might just have been rain, but it looks like there are really bright stars up in the sky.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Chatsworth Woods

July 2009
I spied this old pot among the many gardens and woods of Chatsworth. I love the age and greenness of everything in this image. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

India in the Bath

October 2006
I captured this photo of my sister India while she was taking a bath in England. We kept putting her hair in all these funny positions, like a troll or Princess Leia. She though it was hilarious and couldn't stop giggling. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bumpy Leaf

August 2009
At Chatsworth I spied these massive leaves. I really like how the light accentuates how bumpy they are, and the detail my camera managed to capture. The top of it almost reminds me of lizard skin.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Menthon Boardwalk

June 2009
Another photo I took during my last week in France this summer. The lake was just gorgeous and so peaceful. As I've said before I just love the light at this time in the evening. 

Monday, December 7, 2009

Angel Wings

December 2007
I once again was experimenting with the macro setting on my camera. I love how much detail it captures, and especially like the lighting against the Angel's wings in this photo.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pink Fabric

April 2008
The sheet in this underwater photo was actually white, but for some reason the camera I was using turned it pink. I like how you can see the water ripples at the bottom of the pool.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

English Countryside

July 2009
Another photo of the beautiful English countryside, taken on a walk with Kate and Noodle. 

Friday, December 4, 2009


May 2007
Yet again, another cloud photo. Clouds are just so pretty! What can I say?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bahama Beach

June 2006
This was taken at Old Fort Bay on the island of Nassau, Bahamas. It was such a perfect sunset that it just felt unreal. The Bay also had a delicious restaurant, and an amazing Lion King worthy tree right behind the beach.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Cloud

May 2008
Another photo of clouds that I took on my way back from the Bahamas. I think it kind of looks unreal like a painting.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Millenium Bridge

July 2009
My cousin, Heloise, and I went to London for a day and walked along the East bank. I spotted this man eating by the edge of the river and just thought he looked so peaceful in such a bustling city. 

Monday, November 30, 2009

Kate's Dad

July 2009
I sneakily took this photo of Kate's father while staying with them for a couple of nights. I just love how it perfectly captures the moment of late afternoon. We sat there sipping tea and reading the newspaper. I loved every minute of it. The most amazing part had to be signing the guest book and seeing the signatures of both my parents from almost thirty years ago. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grandparent's Apartment

November 2009
I took this photo of my friend Eliza while staying at her grandparents in NY for Thanksgiving break. I just loved how ornate, yet homey the apartment was. 

Saturday, November 28, 2009

New York Snowflake

November 2009
For Thanksgiving break I went to New York with my friend Eliza. We took a day trip into the city and while admiring the amazing Christmas displays I spied this snowflake hanging within the midst of the buildings. 

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Tree By My Window

October 2009
One day I woke up to find the sun shining beautifully through the tree outside my window. I love how yellow everything is. The trees were in the prime of their colour. 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Knautia Arvensis

July 2009
On a walk with our good friend Kate, these flowers filled the English fields. I love how in the background you can see the expanse of the countryside. 

Jette d'Eau

June 2009
Three friends and I decided to take a day trip to Geneva while studying in France. On our walk to the U.N. we stopped to admire the famous fountain. It just looked unreal with the tiny boats passing by. I also like how in the very far distance you can spy mountains. I couldn't decide if I liked this photo better in black and white or colour, so I chose to put them both up! It's almost as if the two images could have been taken in different eras.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Boston Art Museum

November 2009
One day while exploring Boston, my friend Eliza and I came across this art museum. It seemed to be in the middle of some random car park and the only reason we found it was because we were on our way to the Christmas Festival. We literally walked forever to go to the festival, only to find out it was mainly soccer Mums with an entrance fee of $10. Still worth the adventure.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lyon Church

June 2009
A church in Lyon, France. The stained glass was just amazing.